Category: Articles

Haag Helps Repair Military Base in Iraq, July 2019 Blog

Haag Helps Repair Military Base in Iraq

In early 2017, Dan Behrens, P.E., Haag Senior Engineer, (Minneapolis) traveled to Iraq and spent time living and working on an active military base while he worked to inspect an airplane hangar for damage at a US military base. In Dan’s own words, here is a brief summary of Dan’s trip and inspection in an active war zone:

I was initially asked to inspect a large hangar for some roofing and siding issues, possibly attributed to either wind, construction, foundation movement, or blast effects. It became obvious upon arrival that the issues included the main structural frame and secondary structural members, and that the primary cause of damage wasn’t wind-related.

The hangar in question was built on an Iraqi air force base for our (one time) friend and ally, Mr. Saddam Hussein, in the 1970s or ‘80s. In July 2003 however, Google Earth imagery shows two large holes in the roof, when the United States military was in the process of invading Iraq to depose our enemy, Mr. Saddam Hussein (times had changed). I noted that the repairs were of varying vintage, so it’s possible the hangar was damaged during the first Gulf War in 1991 as well.

Being an active war zone, my accommodations consisted of a private containerized housing unit with a bathroom with running water. I ate my meals at the same dining hall as the soldiers, airmen, and marines. It is protocol on base that service members carry weapons at all times. It was a bit unsettling to grab for the last cookie versus someone with an M4. (I let them win.) I lobbied for a weapon to carry just in case, but they said no. I was left with nothing but my steely gaze and razor wit for defense. Luckily, neither were needed.

All in all, the trip was a great experience; it was striking how young most of the service members were. To paraphrase Burke, it was humbling to see kids standing ready in the night to visit violence upon those who would harm us.

I have to say a big thanks to the team at Haag who supported me during this trip.

My thanks go out to the team who stayed home; this wouldn’t have been possible without their help. Most especially my wife, Kim, who stayed home with our three-month-old twins – I was happy to find that my house key still worked when I got home. In addition, Tami Fugle, John Ortenblad, Richard Herzog, and Rob Danielson in MN and Jeremy VanLeeuwen in KC all covered inspections for me or otherwise cleaned up my messes. Thanks also to Patrick and Rob at Haag Technical Services for their help on drafting for the final report.

I’ve attached a few photos. The military was very much down on photographing anything operational, so no pics of the vehicles, drones, or artillery batteries.

Here is the report-writing environment. It’d been awhile since an outgoing artillery barrage, so I’m actually sitting in the seat.


The image below shows the hangar siding condition, with the Iraqi side of the base in the background.


The image below shows the hangar siding condition, with the American side in the background.

This image shows some truss members struck by rounds.


Daniel B. Behrens, P.E.D Behrens

Daniel Behrens graudated from the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering. He is a Senior Engineer at Haag Engineering Co. in Burnsville, Minnesota, and is licensed as a Professional Civil Engineer in 13 states. Mr. Behrens is currently a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Institute of Steel Construction. Mr. Behrens has been with Haag Engineering since 2009, and has inspected and assessed damage to hundreds of roof structures. His primary areas of consulting are structural evaluations, roofing systems, general civil engineering evaluations, moisture source evaluations, and building envelope evaluations. Mr. Behrens helps develop and present continuing education seminars as an instructor at Haag.

GIS & Laser Scanning for Oil & Gas Company, June 2019 Blog

GIS & Laser Scanning for Oil & Gas Company — Haag Technical Services

For over five years, Haag Technical Services (HTS) has provided superb geographic information system (GIS) services and project management for a large oil and gas company in Houston, TX. What started as high-level consulting for facility laser scanning projects has grown into a team of eight GIS professionals working full time for the client to provide analysis and in-depth QA/QC on all incoming surveyor data including pipelines, wells, and related infrastructure. The client relies heavily on HTS staff to make sure data meets both industry and client-specific standards. Marcie Deffenbaugh, the GIS Manager for HTS, is an integral part of developing and maintaining these client-specific standards and corresponding tools that are required for data collection and delivery. These standards are crucial to the validation process and ensuring that incoming data is of the highest quality. Once projects have passed data validation processes, they are loaded into the client’s corporate system where different teams use the data for planning and analysis. Above all, the data is a critical part of the client’s safety procedures. For example, detailed information on buried pipelines is available to all stakeholders through web mapping platforms and is relied upon daily for One Call purposes to avoid line strikes. Without the hard work and dedication of the HTS GIS Team, this data would not be available.

In addition to data validation and standards development, the HTS team also assists with UAS projects for the same client. Kevin Kianka, the Director of Operations for HTS, is FAA Part 107 certified and is often asked to consult on projects that utilize drones for data collection. Due to their size and complexity, facility sites are often documented with drones and laser scanning equipment. Mr. Kianka has assisted with data collection and processing for many of these projects and has also provided valuable insight for how to improve collection methods and reduce costs.

Based on the different data formats and large datasets that accompany many of the projects for this client, HTS saw an opportunity to develop an online viewing platform that would allow users to see and interact with their data without having to download expensive software. Mr. Kianka and Ms. Deffenbaugh worked with other Haag team members to create the Haag Global GeoPortal, an interactive web mapping application where users can view GIS data, drone imagery, 3D laser scans, panoramic photography, and relevant project documentation all from their desktop or mobile device. Although the GeoPortal was built to serve the needs of one client, it has grown into a must-have tool for many of Haag’s other clients, including engineering and insurance customers.

Through their years of service and high-quality work for this oil and gas client, HTS has become a trusted part of the client’s work. Everyone on the team provides their own expertise, and together they have helped build a complex and highly functional system for their client that ensures data quality and reliability. HTS is excited for the continued partnership with this client along with the innovations and improvements they can continue to provide.

Marcie Deffenbaugh is the Manager of GIS Services for Haag Technical Services, a division of Haag Global, Inc.  In this role, Ms. Deffenbaugh oversees initiatives related to GIS planning, system design, and system administration. She also manages a staff of GIS technicians, analysts, cartographers, and project administrative assistants who provide data validation and project management services for oil and gas clients. As the primary liaison between the client management teams and Haag Technical Services personnel, Ms. Deffenbaugh provides technical consulting services on a regular basis.

Haag’s Ice Ball Testing– IBL-7, May 2019 Blog

As we celebrate Haag’s 95th anniversary in 2019, we are looking back at some of the noteworthy projects Haag Engineers and Consultants have been involved with over the last 95 years. Each month in 2019, this blog will feature one unique, important project, as selected by our senior staff. 

Haag’s Ice Ball Testing– IBL-7

Laboratory Hail Testing

Haag Engineering Co. has performed hail impact testing of various building materials for decades. Our first ice ball launcher was developed in 1963 and helped Haag set the standard for hail damage assessment in the industry. Our maiden launcher, now dubbed the IBL-1 (Ice Ball Launcher Number One) was used to research the affects of hail on cedar shake roofing. It used compressed air and a trigger-operated solenoid valve to propel an ice ball through a barrel and onto a test specimen.  Since then, Haag has developed additional means to propel ice balls and continue in the footsteps of our predecessors. Other iterations of Haag ice ball launchers included larger air reservoirs, quick-acting pressure release mechanisms, and latex tubing. These were utilized in different configurations to achieve the perfect launch. Our current ice ball launcher, the IBL-7, was so successful, Haag obtained a patent for the platform (US Patent No. 6,769,287) on August 3, 2004.

Others in the industry realized the need to test roofing materials to gain a better understanding on their hail resistance and to help develop better, more hail-resistant roofing products. The first hail testing standard (UL-2218) was introduced in 1996. This standard brought a new lexicon to the roofing industry, namely, the term “Class 4 Shingle”. The UL-2218 standard, rates the impact resistance of roofing materials into four classes, Class 1 through Class 4. A product bearing a Class 4 rating could then be touted as having superior hail resistance and would bring a sense of security to any homeowner purchasing a Class 4 roof, albeit a false one.

Unfortunately, the UL-2218 never replicated the effects of hail very well because the test involved dropping steel ball bearings from different heights onto roofing products, rather than launching simulated hailstones. Although the thought of dropping a steel ball bearing from heights up to 20 feet sounds impressive, there are serious flaws in this procedure. Some roofing products, including asphalt shingles, are somewhat flexible and perform relatively well when struck by a ball bearing moving at speeds much slower than actual hail.  Strong, rigid materials, like concrete tiles would shatter when hit by a steel ball and often couldn’t achieve even a Class 1 rating.  The unfortunate truth is products like natural slate and concrete tiles, that are stronger than fiberglass matts coated with asphalt, would shatter due to the momentum transferred from the steel ball into the product.

Sample and substrate mounted to test panel for hail simulation testing

A second hail testing standard entered the roof testing market in 2005. This standard (FM-4473) utilized ice balls propelled at the free-fall speeds of hail, to simulate the effects of hailstones striking a roof covering, rather than steel balls. Not only was this test standard more realistic than the UL-2218, because it replicated actual hail impacts, but Factory Mutual (FM) obtained a Haag IBL-7 to develop the protocol.  Over the years, the Haag IBL-7 has been used for product testing for roofing products, solar panels, skylights, automobile covers, siding, and other exterior claddings. The IBL-7 has also been used by our laboratory (now Haag Research & Testing Co.) on numerous forensic tests and research projects involving roofing products, siding, vehicles, bricks, windows, roof appurtenances, air-conditioners, insulation, and mechanical components.

Haag Research & Testing Co. continues the Haag tradition of applying science and sound engineering principals in product testing and forensic analysis. Our team uses cutting edge equipment that goes far beyond that imagined in 1963 when we launched our first ice ball. Now we can test roofing products in a wind simulator with speeds up to 180 mph, propel giant hailstones up to 4 inches in diameter, and even measure the thermal performance of roofing insulation to determine if hail-caused dents had any effect on the insulation R-value.



Steve R. Smith P.E. is the Director of Research & Testing and a Forensic Engineer. Mr. Smith is based out of Haag’s national headquarters in Flower Mound, TX.

March 2019 Blog Post

Hoover Dam

The Hoover Dam By-Pass Bridge was part of the new alignment of U.S. Highway 93 across the Black Canyon between Arizona and Nevada and was located approximately 1,500 feet downstream of Hoover Dam. Total length from abutment to abutment was approximately 1,090 feet.  The structure was the first concrete-steel composite arch bridge built in the United States and includes the longest cast-concrete arch in the Western Hemisphere. The Obayashi Corporation and P.S.M. Construction USA, Inc. Joint Venture (Obayashi/PSM JV) was awarded the bridge construction contract by The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). HDR Engineering, Inc., and T.Y. Lin International were the bridge design team.

For construction of the bridge, the By-Pass lifting system was a luffing cableway as defined by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) B30.19 – Cableways. Four lattice towers, each approximately 330 feet tall, were erected on either side of the Colorado River immediately south of the Hoover Dam. Distance between the opposing towers (span) was approximately 2,500 feet. The two cableways extended parallel and along the centerlines of the double highway lanes of the new bypass bridge. Each tower could lean (luff) in the north/south direction to provide lifting capabilities for the load block to reach the entire width of each of the double highway lanes. Lower and upper load blocks were supported by a carriage that was positioned along the spanned length by inhaul and outhaul ropes on the track cables (gut lines).

During high winds on September 15, 2006, the Nevada South tower buckled and collapsed.  During the collapse, the falling sections severed multiple support cables of the Nevada North tower causing it to fall to the north.  The resulting collapse of both Nevada towers imparted dynamic loading to the two Arizona towers, causing both to fall westward toward the Black Canyon of the Colorado River.

Haag Engineering Co. was retained to determine factors causative of the collapse and evaluate duties and responsibilities of the parties involved in the design, erection and use of the specialized equipment.  During recovery efforts, Haag assisted in the design/evaluation of a new cableway system, erection and load testing.  The Haag team was assigned to the project from collapse on September 15, 2006 until the connection of the arches in 2010. Haag’s Jim D. Wiethorn, P.E., head of the Crane Group in Houston, lead the project.

The Hoover Dam By-Pass Bridge was sucessfully completed after this set-back, and officially named the “Mike O’Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge”. Opening ceremonies were held on October 19, 2010. The bridge has been a vital to improving traffic on Interstate 93, between Phoenix and Las Vegas and between the United States and Mexico, ever since.

Desaturation Testing—Available NOW

Haag Research & Testing is the only lab in the US to offer an IAS Accredited desaturation testing protocol. Most desat projects are completed within 10 business days after samples are received. We’ve completed hundreds of desaturation tests, and are accepting new projects now! Contact Haag Research & Testing today, 214-614-6500



Jim D. Wiethorn, P.E., Haag Chairman and Principal Engineer, is the head of Haag’s Crane Group based in Sugar Land, TX. Haag’s crane group investigates all aspects of the crane and rigging related accidents. Jim Wiethorn is a third-generation general contractor and has owned, operated, and used cranes throughout his professional career. In order to better understand and become more involved in the crane industry, Jim became a member of the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) on the Tower Crane Committee and Rigging Task Force Committee. Jim also serves as a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) B30 Main Committee, Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks and Slings, as well as the ASME B30.3-Tower Cranes and ASME B30.29-Self-Erect Tower Cranes sub-committees. Jim has testified in over 200 depositions and 100 trials during his career. Wiethorn serves on the Board of Advocates of the Engineering and Computer Science School, Baylor University and the Engineering Advisory Board of the Cockrell School of Engineering, University of Texas at Austin.

February 2019 Blog Post

For the First Time – Get Haag Certified Online!


Over the course of Haag’s 95 years in business, Haag has earned the reputation as the cream of the crop of failure and damage consultants. From our work on high profile jobs, to our innovative research and peer-reviewed papers, to our training and education, Haag has consistently been the standard bearer for quality and integrity in the failure and damage industry. The Haag Certified Inspector (HCI) programs are some of the most recent offerings impacting the industry we serve.

Since the early 1980s, Haag has taught hundreds of courses to thousands of adjusters and contractors. In 2007, Haag Education rolled out its first certification program for residential roof (steep slope) inspectors. Haag’s Certification programs tested and “certified” students on their comprehension and understanding of Haag’s damage assessment methods and principles.

In 2019, we are excited to also celebrate the 10th anniversary of our second Certified Inspector program on Commercial Roofs. The HCI-Commercial Roofs program was introduced in 2009 in response to industry demand following the success of HCI-Residential Roofs program. In 2014, Haag Education introduced our third certification on Wind Damage, which certifies those inspecting wind claims on anything related to building envelope from the foundation to roof covering.

Now, for the first time in the history of the Haag Certified Inspector program, Haag Education is happy to announce that industry professionals can now become Haag Certified online! Haag debuted our online version of the HCI-Residential Roofs certification in early February. Our customers are thrilled with the value  and convenience of completing the entire HCI-R program from the comfort of their home or office!

Here are some important things to know about taking the HCI-R course online:

  • The introductory price for the course is only $599 (compared to $949 for classroom)
  • Students must have completed  100+ residential roof inspections to qualify for the HCI-R course (eligibility verification/references validated during registration).
  • Students completing the online HCI-R program will receive the same certification as those who take the course in the classroom.
  • Students have up to 30 days to complete the entire course and the test. (The course will take 12-14 hours to complete, and you are allowed up to 4 hours to take the final exam).
  • The final exam is administered by a third-party online proctoring company and can be completed from your home or office computer (webcam and audio required).
  • You will be provided a secure PDF of the course textbook. It may be viewed in an online viewer or it may be saved to your desktop.
  • Final exam is open book (online textbook may be referenced)
  • CE Credit is not yet available for the HCI-R online program. Applications pending.

Set yourself apart from the crowd. Join the ranks of the 18,000+ current Haag Certified Inspectors and become a more accurate, confident and efficient residential roof inspector by earning your Haag Certified Inspector – Residential Roofs certification online today!  Now more convenient and less expensive than ever before!  Visit today.

–Ryan Holdhusen, Vice President of Haag Education Co.

Ryan Holdhusen oversees the management and strategic growth of Haag Education. He manages Haag’s line of seminars, certification programs, and products/tools. He assess product concept, development, marketing, sales and operations. Ryan has been with Haag since May 2002.

January 2019 Blog Post

95 Years of Failure & Damage Analysis

Way back in 1924, Walter G.  Haag, a civil engineer who had graduated from Drexel Institute in Philadelphia in 1899, established his own consulting office in Dallas, Texas. He created Haag Engineering to determine facility values after losses (similar to the work Haag Construction Consulting performs today). Soon, clients began to ask Mr. Haag how the facilities were damaged.  Thus, he began to perform engineering origin and cause evaluations. The term “forensic engineering” was not used back then. (In fact, Professional Engineer licensing wouldn’t even start until 1937.) 

Mr. Haag hired Charles Wayne Parish in 1946. Mr. Parish, a World War II veteran and engineer in the Air Force, assumed increasing responsibility in the company and purchased it from Mr. Haag during 1956. Under Mr. Parish’s direction, Haag expanded its area of operation from North Texas to the world. He added Research & Testing capabilities in the early 1960s, which published a historic ice ball impacting study on wood roofing in 1963. Along the way, Haag Engineering has expanded to include Haag Construction Consulting, Haag Education, Haag Research & Testing, and Haag Technical Services.

As we celebrate Haag’s 95th anniversary in 2019, we thought it would be fun to take a look back at a few of the many noteworthy projects completed by Haag staff. During each month in 2019, this blog will feature noteworthy projects, as selected by our senior staff. We are fortunate to have several employees still with Haag who started in the 1970s, and one—my predecessor as Haag’s president & CEO, John Stewart (featured below)—who will be celebrating 50 years with Haag!

No company can endure, let alone prosper, for 95 years without talented, dedicated employees and loyal clients.  Further, Haag would not have been able to prosper without a commitment to quality and integrity.  As I like to say, we’re not good because we are old, we are old because we’re good. For turning 95, we still feel pretty spry!

Thank you to all the people who have contributed in any way to Haag’s pending 95th anniversary. That includes clients of our services and products, current and past employees, and all those who have spread a good word about Haag.

Justin Kestner, P.E., President & CEO of Haag Global

Imperial Sugar- Sugar Dust Explosion


by John D. Stewart, P.E., Principal Engineer Emeritus

Around 7:00 am on February 7, 2008, a massive explosion occurred in the center of the Savannah Foods/Imperial Sugar facility, destroying or extensively damaging all three sugar silos and the packaging buildings that surrounded the silos. Sugar dust was believed to have been ignited by operating machinery. Many buildings outside the center of the plant also was extensively damaged. Investigations by government agencies as well as private experts concluded that the event was caused by an explosion of sugar dust followed by a fire wherein the sugar in the silos and throughout the area burned. Tragically, 14 individuals were killed in the blast and some 40 others were burned or injured.

Savannah Foods in Port Wentworth, Georgia, was founded in 1915 by Benjamin Alexander Oxnard and Richard H. Sprague when they moved their entire sugar refining operation, including more than 300 employees and their families, from St. Mary’s Parish in Louisiana to Port Wentworth. The refinery took in raw sugar and processed it into refined sugar and various other sugar products.  The Savannah Sugar Refinery began melting sugar on July 7, 1917.  In 1997, Imperial Sugar Corporation acquired Savannah Foods & Industries, Inc., which at the time was the second largest sugar refiner in the industry. Savannah Foods & Industries marketed its sugar under the Dixie Crystals® brand.

The Port Wentworth refinery included many large buildings, various tanks, and additional equipment for processing the sugar.  Sugar was brought into the facility by ship and sent out by rail, truck, and ships.  Among the facilities were three very large reinforced concrete silos located in the center of the packaging and storage area and used for storage of bulk refined sugar.  These silos, constructed in 1935, were approximately 130 feet tall by 40 feet in diameter arranged in an east-west line and were capable of holding about 3 million pounds of sugar each.  A large 4-story building to the north was the North Packaging Building.  Another 4-story building to the south was the South Packaging Building.  North and South Palletizing areas were to the west of the silos.  The main refining and raw sugar storage facilities were east of the silos.  Other buildings were south of the silo/packaging area.

Above, a 2008 image after the explosion and a 2019 oblique image of the same area. The centers of both images cover most of the areas of major damage.

Following the February 2008 explosion, Haag engineers were engaged by the insurers to evaluate the scope of damage and cost of repairs to the facility resulting from the event.  Haag also monitored the repair work during the several year period of restoration. Haag’s role beyond evaluation of the scope of damage was to monitor and separate extensive upgrades of the rebuilt facility from needed repairs. The extensive upgrades of the facility took it from an old processing unit to a state-of-the-art processing and packaging plant.

Haag engineers were on site from shortly after the explosion until the repairs were completed and the plant restarted in late 2009.  Haag was closely involved in the evaluation of the scope of damage.  Knowing that the facility would be extensively modified during the restoration it was critical to prepare a detailed scope of work including estimates of repairs for facilities that would not be rebuilt in kind.  Haag also was closely involved in all discussions about all changes, extensive upgrades, and reconfigurations of the facility to ensure that costs charged to the insurers of the facility were fair and represented the costs to restore an equivalent facility despite the many changes.

Ultimately, the loss cost insurers approx. $345 million out of total insurance coverage of $350 million. Total of physical damage and business interruption well exceeded $500 million.

John D. Stewart, P.E., is Principal Engineer Emeritus at Haag Engineering Co. and served as Haag’s President for more than 30 years (1982 – 2014). Mr. Stewart has been with Haag Engineering Co. since 1969. His engineering expertise includes evaluating and determining the scope of damage and repair options following failures, including at industrial plants, oil refineries, chemical plants. He has analyzed electrical failures, lightning damage, and electronic and computer equipment failures.

Mr. Stewart graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. He is a licensed professional engineer in the states of Texas and Arizona, and a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI), the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), and the Texas Society of Professional Engineers.


December 2018 Blog Post

Bird’s Eye View—A Guide to Aerial Lifts

Aerial Lifts—now called Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (or MEWPs)—provide a safe way for viewing parts of a roof or building envelope. They can help you safely access elevated parts of structures. Haag’s resident MEWP expert, Anthony Bond, P.E., breaks down the types, components and uses of lifts.

Aerial devices have a variety of names given to them throughout the years. Common names for aerial devices include Cherry Pickers, Man Lifts, Bucket Trucks, Aerial Lifts, Aerial Work Platforms (AWP), and Elevating Work Platforms (EWP). The new American National Standards Institute (ANSI) group of standards (A92.20, A92.22, and A92.24) name these aerial devices Mobile Elevating Work Platforms. The definition provided by the new ANSI standards for Mobile Elevating Work Platforms or MEWPs is a “machine/device intended for moving persons, tools, and material to work positions, consisting of at least a work platform with controls, and extending structure and a chassis”.

There are several different types of MEWPs including truck-mounted aerial devices, trailer-mounted aerial devices, boom lifts, scissor lifts, and bridge inspection/maintenance devices. The typical types of MEWPs that we see on construction sites are scissor lifts (Group A, Type 3) and boom lifts (Group B, Type 3). Group A are MEWPs with platforms that move vertically, and stay inside the tippling lines. Group B are all the other type MEWPs with platforms that extends past the machine’s chassis. Type 1 MEWPs can only be driven in the stowed position, and Type 2 MEWPs can be driven with the platform elevated from a point on the chassis. While Type 3 MEWPs can be driven with the platform elevated from the chassis.

MEWPs have three basic assemblies: chassis, extending structure, and platform. For boom lifts, the extending structure is a boom assembly that either telescopes, articulates, or a combination of the two. Booms lifts are raised via a lift cylinder and extends by an internal cylinder, sometimes aided by wire ropes or chains. Boom lifts have an extending structure (typically boom-type) that positions the platform outward and upward beyond the chassis. While scissor lifts have an extending structure or scissor mechanism that elevates the platform vertically via a lift cylinder.

In order to select the type of MEWP for a specific job, some features of the MEWP to consider include its platform height, platform reach, platform capacity, working envelope, turning radius, and machine weight, as well as the MEWP’s overall dimensions. Platform height is the vertical distance from the ground (surface that the MEWP is on) to the floor of the platform. Platform reach is the horizontal distance from the center of rotation to the outboard railing of the platform. Platform capacity is the rated load that the platform can carry, which includes the total weight of the operator, tools, materials, and anything else that is within the platform that is not originally part of the MEWP. Working envelope is the operating range that the boom/platform maneuvers within as designed. This is usually illustrated by a range or reach diagram. Turning radius is the smallest circle that the MEWP can make. Scissor lifts typically have a smaller turning radius than boom lifts. Machine weight is the weight of the machine as configured by the manufacturer. Scissor lifts are typically less than 6,000 pounds, while boom lifts can weigh as much as 50,000 pounds or more. The overall dimensions of MEWPs vary tremendously. A 150-foot boom lift is approximately 40 feet long, 10 feet tall, and over 16 feet wide with its axles extended. Whereas a 20-foot scissor lift is approximately 8 feet long, 7 feet tall, and 3 feet wide.

Performing a worksite inspection will determine the required characteristics for the MEWP, while keeping in mind the limitations and restrictions of the worksite. Worksite limitations and restrictions can include overhead obstructions such as power lines that require minimum safe distances, height/width restrictions caused by the route the MEWP must travel, limits to safe travel for the MEWP due to hazards such as surface conditions (unlevel surfaces such as ramps, depressions, drop-offs, or holes), and surfaces that cannot support the weight of the MEWP (sidewalks, vaults or enclosures below ground).

Training requirements for MEWPs (aerial lifts) are provided within OSHA regulations. OSHA requires that, “Only trained and authorized persons are allowed to operate an aerial lift.” OSHA’s Fact Sheet for Aerial Lifts indicates that training include the following: “Explanations of electrical, fall, and falling object hazards; Procedures for dealing with hazards; Recognizing and avoiding unsafe conditions in the work setting; Instructions for correct operation of the lift (including maximum intended load and load capacity); Demonstrations of the skills and knowledge needed to operate an aerial lift before operating it on the job; When and how to perform inspections; and Manufacturer’s requirements.”

When safely operated by trained professionals, using Mobile Elevating Work Platforms/Aerial Lifts will help make your job safer.


Anthony E. Bond, P.E., is a Principal Engineer and aerial device expert. Mr. Bond has been with Haag for more than 10 years, and has 25 years of active involvement in the aerial device industry. He specializes in determining the cause and extent of aerial device accidents and responsibilities of involved parties (manufacturer, owner, dealer, user, operator) as defined by aerial device national consensus standards. He testifies in depositions and trials as an aerial device and crane expert. Mr. Bond gained valuable experience from his employment as a design engineer and engineering manager for an aerial device and crane manufacturing company. His structural designs and analyses include booms, pedestals, carriers, and outriggers, as well as hydraulic cylinders. Designs also include hydraulic, electrical, and control systems for product development of aerial devices. Under his direction as an engineer manager, the research and development team fabricated and assembled prototype models for testing prior to releasing new aerial device models for production. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in 26 states, and a member of the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), and Scaffold Industry Association (SIA).

November 2018 Blog

Seen and Unseen….The Benefits of Desaturation Testing

By Steve R. Smith P.E.

Have you ever been examining a built-up roof and encountered a mark which was not easy to identify? Identification of hail-caused damage to a roof can be as simple as following standard hail inspection procedures. Look for hail spatter and dents in soft metals. Examine less well supported components and examine test areas on the roof (a procedure developed by Haag Engineering Co. in the 1970s).

Sometimes, however, there are conditions observed on the surface of the roof that appear similar to a hail-caused condition but may or may not be related to hail. Also, it is not uncommon for two separate parties to have differing opinions on whether or not a hail-caused condition has compromised the roof covering.

When you find questionable marks on a roof, desaturation analysis of roofing samples can provide invaluable information. Desaturation can help determine if a particular feature is hail-caused and if the water-shedding ability or long-term service life of a roof has been compromised. Haag Engineering’s laboratory, established in 1963, has been performing desaturation analysis on roofing samples for decades. Desaturation can determine conclusively if a bituminous roofing sample has been compromised by hail.

Desaturation works like this: lab personnel use equipment and chemicals to extract the reinforcements from asphalt built-up roofing (ABUR), coal tar built-up roofing (CTBUR), modified bitumen membranes (mod-bit), asphalt roll roofing, and asphalt shingles. Then, they examine the reinforcements to identify fractures, or the absence of fractures, and determine if the fractures present are characteristic of damage associated with hailstone impacts. Desaturation can also help identify the constituents of a roof, including the number of roofing plies, the types of roofing plies, and the quantity (weight) of the inter-ply asphalt.

Haag’s lab examined an ABUR sample for the effects of hail, see photos below. When the bitumen was removed, our analysis revealed fiberglass reinforcements from the ABUR system, and several organic reinforcements from the previous roof system that was left in place and overlaid. There were no hail-caused fractures in the fiberglass reinforcements, but a hole was observed in one of the organic plies. We noted the hole was only present in the uppermost organic ply, which is not consistent with an impact-caused fracture. Instead, the hole was characteristic of a weathering-related condition in the older roof system.

Figure 1: Desaturation of ABUR – fiberglass and organic reinforcements
ABUR prior to desaturation
ABUR after desaturation showing
fiberglass reinforcement
Organic reinforcement was found
several piles down, revealing a hole
Hole was found in the
uppermost organic ply only
  Organic ply below the top organicply did not contain a hole,indicating the hole was a weathered condition on the oldroof, rather than an inpact-caused fracture

Now let’s look at a mod-bit sample. This sample exhibited a discrete region of missing granules that was thought by some to be a hail-caused bruise. There were no fractures visible in the top or bottom surfaces of the sample prior to desaturation. We noted the exact location of the area of interest so that we could examine the same area after desaturation, which revealed the reinforcement was intact.

Figure 2: Desaturation of mod-bit – scrim-type reinforcement
Mod-bit prior to desaturation
            Area of interest observed on
                    the top surface
Scrim-type reinforcement extracted by desautration
Close-up of reinforcement at the area of interest revealed no damage to the reinforcement (the structural element of the roof)

Finally, let’s examine a mod-bit sample that shows the effects of impact by large hail. Our laboratory personnel installed a mod-bit sample on a test panel to replicate the as-installed support conditions for the sample and performed ice ball impact testing to show the effects of hail impact. The sample was impacted by three ice balls, ranging up to two inches in diameter. The two-inch diameter impact is highlighted in blue (Figure 3). Desaturation of the sample revealed a fracture at the two-inch diameter impact location.

Figure 3: Desaturation of mod-bit impacted by ice balls – polyester reinforcement
Mod-bit prior to desaturation
Impact testing setup
Sample after impact testing
Sample after desaturation (top side up)
Bottom side of reinforcement
after desaturation
Close-up at fracture caused by a
2-inch diameter ice ball impact

In all examples, desaturation was able to conclusively determine if the reinforcements had been fractured by hail. Desaturation also allowed us to identify constituent components and even provided insight on the condition of the previous roof system (Figure 1). Hail-fractured reinforcements ultimately result in a loss of water-shedding ability and/or reduction of the remaining service life of the roof. Knowing if the structural components of a roof had been compromised by hail is paramount in determining appropriate remediation procedures.

Since desaturation is destructive testing, Haag Research and Testing personnel carefully document test specimens during all phases of testing. We photograph and even video record (if requested) to document specimen conditions and preserve the evidence. Proper maintenance of the chain of custody of evidence is another important consideration.

Steve R. Smith P.E. is the Director of Research & Testing. Mr. Smith is based at Haag’s national headquarters in Flower Mound, TX, and can be reached at .