Custom Home Development-Wide Construction Defects Evaluation
Basic Fact Pattern Development of multi-million dollar custom homes, including six homeowners all suing their builder and all of his subcontractors.
We perform failure analysis, determine extent of damage, and provide repair options for civil/structural, mechanical, electrical, metallurgical, construction defect, product liability/failure, and transportation cases.
See our Forensic Engineering Services below.
Haag Engineers are available to provide expert witness and litigation consulting services throughout the Unites States and internationally.
Haag Engineers analyze damage caused by catastrophic events and weather phenomena, establish cause and scope, and work to reduce business interruption.
Haag Engineers are experts at examining failures, conducting structural analysis, and performing on-site inspections.
Haag consolidates traditional construction and forensic engineering subject matter experts to provide independent counsel on assessment of disputes covering all industry sectors.
Haag Engineers, Architects, and Consultants have extensive experience related to construction defects and related subrogation.
Haag Engineers are experts at determining the cause and extent of damage to aerial lifts, cranes and rigging, and other heavy equipment
Haag Electrical Engineers determine causes for failures and damage to a variety of electrical equipment and distribution systems, and detail the scope of damage and costs to repair or rebuild.
Haag Engineers will determine the cause failure and extent of damage to a wide range of energy-related equipment.
Haag Mechanical Engineers determine causes of failures and damage to mechanical equipment and our staff metallurgist will analyze failed components.
Haag Engineers are the industry experts at evaluating damage to residential, commercial and industrial roofing.
Haag operates offices, satellite offices and special catastrophe offices to help meet our clients needs worldwide.
Basic Fact Pattern Development of multi-million dollar custom homes, including six homeowners all suing their builder and all of his subcontractors.
Basic Fact Pattern During transportation of marble and granite stone slabs, a structural failure occurred. The structural failure caused a complete
Basic Fact Pattern Large tree strike impact to the roof and stone walls of a historic home. Home reportedly shook during
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