Basic Fact Pattern
- Large tree strike impact to the roof and stone walls of a historic home.
- Home reportedly shook during the impact.
- Tree limbs penetrated the clay tile roofing and the underlying roof structure.
- The force of the tree strike into the home caused a portion of the trunk to split into two pieces.
- Cracks and separations were noted throughout the home after the trike strike, including within the mortar joints of the historic stone walls.
Investigative Steps Taken
- Photos of the tree on the home, as taken prior to the tree removal, were reviewed.
- Comprehensive inspection of the home, including within the areas broken open by the tree impact, was conducted.
- Doors and windows were operated throughout the home, along with measurements capable of detecting overall building movement.
- All cracks, both interior and exterior, were photographed and mapped throughout the home.
- Cracks were separated via in-field evidence into groupings of recent cracks and historic cracks.
- Recent cracks were comparatively analyzed against the force load path from the tree strike locations to the ground.

Determinations Made
- Structural roof members requiring repair were identified.
- Wall elements with recent cracks consistent with the transfer of force through the structure from the tree strike were identified.
- The cause(s) of the remaining cracks were also identified.
- The overall structure had not experienced any global permanent movement in response to the tree impact force.
- A scope of repairs was developed in accordance with applicable code requirements.
Involved Experts: