Welcome Andrew Lynch (Houston), Dwight Steward (Chicago), & Greg Hanchar (Atlanta), and Welcome Back Scott Morrison (Dallas)

Haag Welcomes Engineers Andrew Lynch (Houston), Dwight Steward (Chicago), & Greg Hanchar (Atlanta), and Welcomes Back Scott Morrison (Dallas)

Andrew Lynch, P.E., brings 14 years of engineering experience and a mix of electrical and mechanical systems experience. He is based in Houston, Texas.
  • Mr. Lynch spent four years as a forensic engineer, investigating electrical and mechanical systems related to lightning, fire and water damage
  • Areas of expertise include mechanical & electrical failures, fire origin & cause, lightning & power surge, product failures, arc mapping, electrical switchgear, code Interpretation, oil & gas failures, fire protection systems, product liability, litigation support, slips, trips & falls, HVAC analysis, elevators, and smart home automation
  • Previously worked analyzing piping equipment on oilfield operations
  • Worked at Carnegie Mellon designing Drones and AUV (autonomous underwater vehicles) 
  • Worked at NASA designing electronic tactile sensors for robotic hands
  • Licensed P.E. in Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, Wyoming, Colorado, and Arizona
  • Masters of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science degrees from Rice University, Houston, TX
  • Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin
  • Contact Mr. Lynch at ALynch@HaagGlobal.com
Dwight Steward, P.E., has 30+ years’ experience in civil/structural engineering, including over 7 years in forensic engineering. Mr. Steward works in the Chicago, IL area.
  • Previously, Mr. Steward worked as a forensic engineer, inspecting and analyzing of hail/wind, water intrusion, tornado, hurricane, construction vibration, roof collapse, vehicle impact and structural fire damage
  • His experience also includes engineering/construction management in the oil, gas, and chemical industries and the fossil fuel power industry. He has also worked as a consulting engineer and he has provided technical support for a mechanical/adhesive anchor fastener manufacturer. His work within these industries has included the analysis, design and/or CAD drafting of new structures, the restoration and repair of deteriorated structures, and/or the modification and improvement of existing structures. 
  • Certified by the FAA as a Remote Pilot in Command, which enables him to provide UAS/Drone Inspections and Photography in conjunction with forensic investigations
  • Licensed P.E. in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin
  • Master of Science, Construction Engineering & Management (with Honors), Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
  • Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
  • Contact Mr. Steward at DSteward@HaagGlobal.com
Greg Hanchar, P.E., brings 25 years of engineering experience, including 11 years of forensic experience. Mr. Hanchar is based in the greater Atlanta, GA, area. 
  • Previously, Mr. Hanchar worked as a forensic engineer and project manager, directing flood inspections and assessing structural damage caused by hail and wind storms. Mr. Hanchar conducted hundreds of field investigations after Hurricanes Harvey, Michael, and Sandy.
  • Worked at Civil Services as a Structural Engineer, inspecting and reviewing load ratings of 250+ bridges for Georgia DOT
  • As a Structural Engineer, Mr. Hanchar has designed engineered lumber floor systems for single-family, multi-family, and light commercial buildings; high profile bridges and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) flood control structures; and reinforced concrete foundations for guyed, lattice, and monopole cell towers.
  • National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) subject matter expert
  • Licensed P.E. in 19 states—AL, AR, CO, DC, FL, GA, LA, MS, MO, MT, NC, ND, NE, NM, OK, SC, TX, UT, and WY.
  • Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering from State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
  • Carpenter and wood-worker, and avid cyclist
  • Contact Mr. Hanchar at GHanchar@HaagGlobal.com
Scott Morrison, P.E., has 41 years’ experience in civil/structural engineering, including 31 years as a forensic engineer. Mr. Morrison is rejoining Haag, based in Dallas, TX.
  • Mr. Morrison has worked as a forensic engineer, with emphasis on research and testing, for 31 years.
  • Prior to joining Haag, Mr. Morrison worked as a structural engineer and architect. 
  • Areas of expertise include structural evaluations of commercial, industrial, and residential properties, foundations, research and testing, and roofing systems
  • Authored or contributed to dozens of published works including Long-Term Effects of Hail Impact on Asphalt Shingles, Ball Peen Hammer Test, Hail Damage to Asphalt Shingles, and more
  • Contributing author and presenter for numerous Haag courses and certifications, including Haag Certified Inspector- Commercial Roofs, Residential Roofs, and Wind Damage
  • Licensed P.E. in Arkansas, Florida, Oklahoma, and Texas
  • Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Option in Structures,University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
  • Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Emphasis in Structures,Iowa State University, Ames, IA
  • Bachelor of Arts in Architecture, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
  • Contact Mr. Morrison at SMorrison@HaagGlobal.com
To Submit an Assignment to Haag–
800-527-0168 * 214-614-6500
800-527-0168 * 214-614-6500

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