Dwight W. Steward, PE


Chicago, IL

Dwight W. Steward, PE


Chicago, IL

GET TO KNOW Dwight W. Steward, PE

Dwight W. Steward, P.E., is a Forensic Engineer with Haag, a Salas O’Brien Company. Mr. Steward has over 30 years of experience in Civil/Structural Engineering, Site Engineering Management and Construction Management. He has extensive experience in the analysis, design and CAD drafting of new structures, the restoration and repair of deteriorated structures, and the modification and improvement of existing structures. His experience includes engineering / construction management in the oil, gas, and chemical industry, fossil fuel power industry, consulting engineering, technical support and forensic structural investigation and analysis. He has developed excellent work relationships with Refinery Operators, Chemical Plant Operators, Union and Non-Union Construction Craftsmen, Architects, Engineers, Regional Salesmen, Owners, Developers, Insurance Claims Adjusters, Lawyers, Policyholders, and Building Officials. Dwight is certified by the Federal Aviation Administration as a Remote Pilot in Command, which enables him to provide UAS/Drone Inspections and Photography in conjunction with insurance claim investigations.

Primary Areas of Consulting

  • Structural Evaluations
    Residential, industrial, and commercial buildings

    Concrete, steel, timber, and masonry structures
    Hail and wind damage
    Hurricane and tornado damage
    Moisture intrusion
    Failure, damage and collapse analysis
    Vehicle impact damage
    Fire damage
    Grain bin evaluation
    Foundation settlement
  • Roofing Systems
    Damage assessment (e.g. wind, hail and mechanical damage)
    Defects of manufacturing and installation
    Code provisions
  • Ground Vibrations, Explosions and Geotechnical Evaluations
    Quarry and construction blasting
    Construction vibration
    Explosion caused vibrations
    Foundation and wall failures
    Subsidence evaluation
    Slope stability
  • General Civil Engineering
    Building code compliance
    Appraisals and cost evaluation


  • Remote Pilot in Command (RPIC)
  • UAS/Drone Inspections and Photography – Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
  • Haag Certified Inspector – Residential Roofs
  • Haag Certified Inspector – Commercial Roofs


  • Master of Science, Construction Engineering & Management, 2011 (with Honors)
    Illinois Institute of Technology – Chicago, Illinois
  • Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, 1985
    Iowa State University – Ames, Iowa

Licensed Professional Engineer in the States of:

Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin

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