
Storm &
Hurricane Reports

Comprehensive Weather Event Data for Your Location

Accurate Storm & Hurricane Reports You Can Trust

The Haag Geoportal is your ultimate tool for accessing detailed, reliable, and accurate weather reports, enabling you to make informed decisions and analyses. Our Geoportal Reports provide comprehensive data on various storm types, including hurricanes, wind, hail, and tornado events. Data is derived from verified national weather sources and is never manipulated. The Geoportal delivers precise information tailored to your specific location and needs. Ideal for:

  • Insurance Professionals
  • Legal Professionals
  • Forensic Investigations
  • Weather Analysis 
Accurate Storm & Hurricane Reports You Can Trust

Discover Site Specific Weather Data Tailored to You

Vast Database of Weather History

The Haag Geoportal combines data from several reliable sources: 

Our reports cover a robust 14-year span (2010) of weather events and are updated daily, ensuring you have the most accurate and historical data available. 

Verified and Reliable Data

Our reports utilize both preliminary and finalized data from national and local weather sources, guaranteeing that the information you receive is direct and unmanipulated. This transparency ensures that our data is accurate, reliable, and defensible in court. 

Customizable Report Data

In each of the Storm Reports, the following data is available to include when applicable: 

  • SED Map of area that includes the selected event type(s) and buffer (radius) rings 
  • SED Point Distance of events within the selected buffer to the site address
  • SED Event Details
  • SED Zone Event Details 
  • SPC Map of area that includes the selected event type(s) and buffer rings
  • SPC Point Distances of events within the selected buffer to the site address 
  • SPC Event Details 
  • Event ID
  • Event Type
  • Event Date
  • Event Time
  • Magnitude
  • Distance from Input Address (Beginning & End)
  • Latitude & Longitude (Beginning & End)
  • Zone Ends
  • State
  • County
  • Event Narrative & Comments

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Our Products

Storm Report

With the Haag Geoportal, you can create a free account and search for specific sites by address. View weather data directly on an interactive map, and when you need deeper insights, purchase a comprehensive report for just $49.99 (per report). Our PDF reports provide tabular results, detailing point distances from your site location to weather events within your selected buffer zone and providing specific information for events that match your search criteria. 

Hurricane Report (coming Fall 2024)

We’re excited to announce that our Hurricane Report will be available for the 2024 hurricane season. This report will feature detailed storm data, Local Storm Reports (LSRs), high water mark data, peak summaries, and more. Stay tuned for this addition to the Haag Geoportal.

Haag Geoportal

Efficiency and Accuracy

Other platforms offer weather related data services, but they often come with higher costs or use proprietary algorithms that can’t be justified in court. The Haag Geoportal stands out  by providing direct, unmanipulated data from multiple national authorities. Our platform simplifies the process by aggregating verified weather data into one easy-to-use interface, saving you time and increasing your efficiency.  

Defensible Data for Professional Use

Our reports are invaluable for professionals who need to document and verify weather events. Whether you’re assessing property damage, preparing legal cases, or conducting forensic analysis, the Haag Geoportal provides the accurate and reliable data you need.  

Geoportal Competitor Matrix

Expert Support When You Need It

Forensic Meteorology and On-Site Inspections

While our reports provide comprehensive data, an on-site inspection is the best way to understand what actually occurred at your site. Lack of storm report data does not necessarily mean that severe weather did not occur, as data can vary based on population density, time of day, concurrent weather hazards, etc. For a formal investigation and/or forensic meteorological analysis, contact our forensic meteorology team. All our meteorologists have obtained their Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM) designation or work under direct supervision of a CCM. Meteorologists who obtain a CCM must pass a rigorous examination process exhibiting a high degree of technical proficiency and moral character. Members of our team have degrees in both meteorology and engineering, giving them a uniquely specialized ability to analyze the weather’s effects on a building’s performance. 

Geoportal Reports: Providing Historical Weather Insight

Unlock precise weather history for your property with the Haag Geoportal. Access reliable, verified data and streamline your weather data analysis process. Sign up today and experience the difference accurate weather reporting can make.

We’re here to help you make informed decisions with confidence.

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Curious to see the Haag Geoportal in action? Fill out the form below to request a demo. We’ll walk you through the portal, showcasing how it can streamline your weather analysis and reporting.

  • This will help us identify the appropriate person in our company to reach out to you.
  • Tell us what you're interested in covering in your demo - specific features, weather event types, etc.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.