

Haag Engineers are experienced forensic geotechnical inspectors. Haag conducts a full spectrum of geologic and geophysical studies and inspection and testing services nationwide. We understand the many factors that contribute to a geologic or subsurface event and the consequences that may result. Haag has a multidisciplinary team that includes not only geotechnical and structural experts but also professionals experienced in fields such as geology, environmental science and groundwater hydrology. After conducting field studies, Haag’s team can develop remedial measures to stabilize or repair an affected structure and oversee implementation of those measures. Our team will provide the geotechnical analysis you need. Our clients include commercial developers, municipalities, school districts, and insurers. 

Our geotechnical engineering work includes:
  • Sinkhole investigations
  • Geophysical studies
  • Slope stability
  • Ground subsidence issues
  • Soils, materials testing, and inspection
  • Geotechnical instrumentation installation and monitoring
  • Ground vibration
  • Retaining wall failures
  • Pavement failures
  • Soil improvement and remediation monitoring

To speak to Haag about your geotechnical assignment, please contact us or call 800-527-0168 or 214-614-6500.